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Codingtag is the E-learning website covering all aspects of technical and nontechnical tutorials including advanced programming, web Development languages, current affairs and Technical interviews question and Answers on C, C++, Python, PHP, CSS, AngularJ

Updates on JavaScript Interview Questions for 2020


Listed below are some of the most frequently asked JavaScript Interview Questions that are published by the Coding tag to reduce the burden of the job seekers? You can simply get through these questions and these will probably help you to reduce your burden in finding the best interview questions.

Also, I have tried to use very simple and basic language so that you can easily understand the answers.

Without wasting any more time, let’s have a look through these questions.

1-     What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting language that can be embedded into HTML pages. Moreover, JavaScript is also considered as an object-based programming language.

2-     Name the different JavaScript data types?

The different types of JavaScript data types are:

  • Boolean
  • Number
  • String
  • Object
  • Undefined

3-     Name the company that introduced JavaScript?

The company that proposed JavaScript is Netscape which is a software company.

4-     How can we read and write a file in JavaScript?

  • We can read and write a file in JavaScript by following two methods, they are
  • We can use JavaScript extension
  • A web page and Active X objects can also be used

Also, read an extensive list of JavaScript Interview Questions for more such answers.

5-     What do you understand by an undefined value in JavaScript?

An undefined value in JavaScript means

  • The variables that are used in the code that doesn’t exist
  • Variable is not associated with any value
  • The Property doesn't exist


Well, I am wrapping up with this. You can read these questions that will surely help you to crack your interview. Get top 30 JavaScript interview questions for more read

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Advanced PHP Interview Question 2020


Do you want to be a software engineer but finding it difficult to crack the interview? You might have an unnerving experience while facing interviews for being a developer. Some of the most frequently asked questions are listed below:


  • What do you mean by Zend Engine?

Zend Engine is basically used by PHP as a runtime engine as well as a compiler. It works in a way that the loaded PHP scripts are kept in the memory and then compiled in a Zend Engine.


  • Name some of the latest features introduced by PHP7?

Some of the latest features proposed by PHP7 are as follows:

AST-based compilation process

Unicode codepoint escape syntax

Return type declarations

Uniform variable syntax and so on.


  • What do you understand by Magic Method in PHP?

Magic Functions in PHP are the functions that are being started by a double underscore. For instance “--------“

  • Name some of the Magic Functions used by PHP5?

A few Magic Functions used by PHP5 are listed below:

  • Call()
  • Sleep()
  • Clone()
  • Unset()
  • Wakeup()
  • Get()
  • toString()
  • construct()
  • destruct()


  • What is mean by overloading and overriding in PHP?

Overloading in PHP can be defined as the function that is having the same signatures but different parameters.


Prepare yourself for the best PHP Interview Questions 2020 with the most frequent asked real-world interview questions published by the Coding Tag. These PHP interview questions have been listed after many pieces of research. Thus, it will help you to set apart during the process of your hiring.

While overriding in PHP can be considered similar to other OOPs programming languages. Simply, the parent and child classes while coding must contain a similar function.


So this is all about a few of the most frequent asked questions by the recruiters. Moreover, if you have an insight into the CSS language then it acts as a piece of cake for you to get the job. You can also refer to CSS Interview Questions to know about the interview questions.

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Latest Node.js Interview Questions by 2020 : Coding Tag


If you are looking for a career to be a mean stack developer, then you must learn node js online first before moving to the interview questions. Once you are done with the learning of the concept of the node.js then only you will be able to crack the interview for being a stack developer. This compilation of top node.js interview question will help you to answer the interview questions effectively and efficiently.

Let’s get started now

  1. What is node.js?

Node.js is a open-source sever management that follows Google’s V8 JavaScript engine.  We can use node.js for the purposes such as for creating scalable programs.


  1. What are promises in Node.js?

Promise in Node.js refers to a certain value which is returned by the asynchronous function in order to signify the process completion.

  1. What do you mean by REPL in Node.js?

REPL in Node.js stands for Read, Eval, Print, and Loop. It used to handle the file reading process in order to create a CLI (Command Line Interface) application.

  1. What is test pyramid in Node.js?

Test pyramid in Node.js is a sequential representation of how the automated tests must be handled in Node.js. It implies the basic idea that there must be a higher number of unit tests at a lower level as compared to the wider block tests at a higher level for GUI development.

  1. What is callback hell? How can callback hells be avoided in Node.js?

Callback hell in Node.js is a situation which occurs when one tries to execute multiple asynchronous methods one by one simultaneously. There are three major methods which can be used to avoid callback hells in Node.js:

  • Using Promises
  • Using Async.js
  • Using Async-wait

 So that was it! To learn more, you can also visit Node Js Interview Questions.

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Top SQL Interview Questions to Prepare for 2020


sql interview questions

Are you preparing for SQL as your career choice and don’t know where to start? Well, then you are in the right place! In this blog, we have prepared a list of SQL Interview Questions that are most likely to be asked by the interviewers. The list of questions contains all the basic to advance level questions to help the students prepare thoroughly for the technical interview.

  1. What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language which is a relational database management system used to organize the data stored.


  1. Can you differentiate between SQL and MySQL?

 SQL refers to the standard language which is used to retrieve and manipulate data whereas, MySQL is a relational database management system used to manage the SQL database.


  1. What are constraints in SQL?

Constraints in SQL specify the rules for the data stored in the database. Some of the constraints are:



  1. Define tables and fields in SQL.

In SQL, the data are stored in the form of horizontal rows and vertical columns. This type of organization for the stored data is known as tables. While the rows are known as records, the columns are known as fields that specify the categories of the data stored.


  1. What are Join in SQL and its different types?

Join in SQL is a keyword that is used to combine any two records or rows of more than one table. The joining is done on the basis of the similarity of columns between the tables. In SQL, there are 4 types of Joints:


We have a blog of SQL Interview Questions that are most likely to be asked by the interviewers. If you want to prepare well, you can also visit Technical Interview Questions to learn more. For more updated interview questions you can visit our website

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Updates on Top MySQL Interview Question : Coding Tag


In this blog on updated MySQL Interview Question, I have tried to reduce the burden of all the job seekers who are looking for preparation of interview questions for MySQL. These questions will help you to get an insight on how can you answer the questions and get the job. And if you are a fresher and you have a little knowledge, you can also go for MySQL Tutorial for Beginners that is published by the Coding tag to get an insight into the major concepts of the MySQL.

So the first question is

MySQL is an open-source DBMS that is created and distributed by MySQL AB.


  • Mention the technical features available in MySQL?

Technical features that are available in MySQL are

Tools for administrative

Varied backend

Multifarious range of programming applications interface


  • What is the usage of MySQL?

We can use MySQL for many purposes such as it can be used for we database, e-commerce, data warehousing and so on.


  • What is the reason behind using MySQL?

MySQL is extensively used because of it very fast, reliable, and convenient to use. This can be easily downloaded from the internet.


  • Name the string types that are available for the column?

The string types that are present for the column are

  • CHAR
  • TEXT
  • BLOB
  • SET
  • ENUM

So, I am wrapping up with this and I hope these questions would help you to fetch your dream career trouble-free.  These questions are the compilation of the most frequently asked interview questions by the IT Companies. You can also learn wordpress online.

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Advanced Level HTML Interview Questions: 2020


HTML Interview Questions,

Started as the father of web development, HTML is still one of the most used and in-demand web development and designing language. If you are also one of the applicants who want to start their career as an HTML developer or looking for a job switch, then you are in the right place. In this blog, we have prepared advance level HTML Interview Questions to be asked in the interview.

  1. What are HTML Attributes and how to use them?

Attributes in HTML are used for each tag which specifies how should the tag behave and what should it display. Attributes in HTML are included after each tag within triangular brackets.

  1. What is the difference between the block line element and the inline element?

The block line element refers to the placement of element within a defined object, where every element starts on a new line.

Whereas, inline element refers to the element placed within a single line, taking up all the space which is available

  1. What new features are added to HTML5?

Some of the new features added to HTML5 are:

  • New Structural Elements such as article, aside, dialogue box, footer, header, and many more.
  • New form elements such as <datalist> and <output> of a calculation.
  • New Input types such as color, date, email, month, number, range, search, etc.
  • Input Attributes such as Autofocus, Autocomplete, form, list, min & max, pattern, step, required, etc.
  • Added media elements including Audio, Video, text tracks, etc.
  • New Canvas and Scalar vector graphics.
  1. Which browsers support HTML5?
  1. How is DOCTYPE used in HTML5?

The DOCTYPE in HTML5 is simply written as! DOCTYPE HTML which then defines whole code in the form of HTML5.

Read Full Blog:


That was all with the HTML interview questions. If you want to prepare well, you can also visit Technical Interview Questions to learn more.


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Why choose SEO as a career option (2020)?

In this Digitization world, to have a professional website has become a primary need for any business. Every organization whether it is small or big tries to perform every effort to use smarter techniques to compete in this modern place. As more than 90 percent of customers are mobile users, they are looking for everything online. Thus, every company tries to transform its business online by building mobile-friendly websites. But only web-development is not enough to enhance business.  There are millions of web-sites present across the internet which are not visible. For visibility, investing in SEO will become a major need. This result in great career opportunities for SEO analyst to get a job to perform optimization to maximize the organic searches of websites. It is recommended to learn SEO online to get hired by the companies to perform SEO for their websites. In this blog, I am going to discuss the highlights of SEO and why it is a great career option for upcoming years.

Let’s proceed.

Why SEO is a good career option?

SEO is one of the best processes for website optimization in order to enrich organic traffics and enhance search ability and visibility. Brands and organizations implement this digital property to improve their website rankings.   For quality SEO implementation, companies are ready to invest. They only need well-trained SEO analysts which, in turn, increase the career opportunities for aspirants.

Following are some points which will inspire you to choose SEO as a career:

  • There are no age criteria to learn new strategies on SEO.
  • There are wide ranges of online and offline materials are available to learn SEO.
  • With SEO, one can earn money by working at home also.
  • SEO does not require higher qualifications and technical knowledge.
  • You can get great salary with SEO.

Digitization has been accepted by every organization, which gradually increases online competitions. To face this competition there is a huge demand for SEO experts. This SEO will genuinely help for careers Growth.  It is a trending job-oriented field of Digital marketing. Students can learn SEO interview questions in order to get hired in the best organization. Apart from interview questions, they can learn advanced-level SEO strategies to upgrade their SEO skills and can apply for Sr. SEO Manager or Executive.

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