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Top 50 HTML Interview Questions


HTML Interview Questions,

After study, the toughest stage is how to crack an interview. Going for a job interview make us feel like we are back in school examination. In an interview, our job is to show our hidden talent and convince a recruiter that we have a required talent.

For this, we have limited time to provide true representation of our skills, experience, and knowledge to recruiters. To impress a recruiter, we have discussed top html interview questions that are listed below:


  1. What is HTML?

HTML is the short form of "Hypertext Markup Language". It is a computer language used to create web pages by using the ordinary text. It is not so difficult to learn and understand.

It consists of some syntax and code words same as like other computer languages. The HTML file must be saved with .html extension. read more


  1. Describe the different versions of HTML?

HTML has come with so many different versions from beginning to till like HTML, HTML+, HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0 and the latest version of HTML 5.


  1. What is a DOCTYPE?

DOCTYPE means Document Type Declarations. It is used to specify the web browsers that which types of documents (such as SGML or XML Documents) it will receive. In the HTML program, the <!DOCTYPE> comes above the <html> tag.


Important Note: I will prefer you to buy this book which helps to understand the major concepts of HTML, CSS, JS and JQuery 



  1. One of the core concepts in html interview question for freshers is to explain HTML tags?

HTML tags consist with three main elements which are opening tag, content and a closing tag, but some tags need only open tag, not close tag. The opening and closing tags are written in the angle brackets like <>.

The opening tag is the indication to start the command and the closing tag is the indication to close the command, hence it comes with the slash. See the syntax below:


<tag> content </tag>


  1. How many types of HTML tags?

Generally, HTML tags come in two types paired tag and unpaired tag. The paired tags are much, but unpaired tags are very less.


The examples of paired tags are <p> </p>, <h1> </h1>, <b> </b>, <i> </i>, etc.


The unpaired tags are <br>, <img>, etc.


  1. Name the list tags which are used to design a web page?

List tags are very helpful to design a systematic web page. See below the list tags, which make your web page orderly.


  • ordered list
  • unordered list
  • definition list
  • menu list
  • directory list


All these tags can be used to compose a web page