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Top 30 SQL Interview Questions

SQL is probably used for database interaction and management. Nowadays, SQL skills are essential for getting jobs, especially in the web development field. In this blog, I am going to introduce a set of SQL interview questions to cope up with the growing competition in IT markets.

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1) What is DBMS?

DBMS is known as the file manager program that is designed for data management in the database which includes creating, implementing and maintaining data. It provides a systematic method to perform modification, administration, and retrieval. Data present in the DBMS’s applications are stored as a file.

2) What is RDBMS?

A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a software program store information in the form of tables. Moreover, it offers the relational operators for performing data manipulations across the tables.

3) What do you mean by SQL?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is known as the standard language to interact with the database. It is designed to accomplish database tasks like retrieval and insertion.

4) What do you mean by “Table” in a Database?

A table is known as a database object that can be used for storing the record in terms of rows and columns.

5) What is “Record” in a Database?

A record is known as the row of the table that contains arranged sets of interrelated data. It has the capability to hold multiple values. Moreover, It is known as a data structure to hold different kinds of data items.


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6) What do you mean by the “database” in DBMS?

The database comprises of logically related records or data.

7) List some major objectives of DBS?

* Data availability

* Data integrity

* Data independence

8) List some applications of the DBS system?

* Reservations systems

* Telecommunications

* Banking

* Sales

* Scientific applications

9) What are the keys that are present in DBMS?

There are mainly six key founds in DBMS to manage the table. They are:

* Candidate key

* Foreign key

* Primary key

* Secondary keys/Alternate key

* Composite key

* Super key

10) How can you maintain and identify relations between two or more than two tables in DBMS?

Keys are used in maintaining the relationship between tables.

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