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Applications of HTML


To start with, HTML also known as HyperText Markup Language is a markup language that is used extensively for structuring WebPages. This language is used for internet navigation, etc. There is an application of HTML that will be discussed below. Besides, for career opportunities, you can also visit the HTML interview question which carries all your answers required for cracking the interview. 

Widely used for creating WebPages

HTML is used for the development of WebPages that are exhibit over the World Wide Web.  These pages carry HTML tags that include hyperlinks utilized for interfacing with different pages. Each page that we witness, on the internet, is composed utilizing a version of HTML code. If you are a novice, you can also search for Best HTML tutorial for beginners to get wider knowledge on coding HTML

Creating a web document

HTML and its tag DOM plays a major role in creating documents on the internet. Besides, for the location and format of the phrases, HTML tags are embedded before and afterward the phrase. In this document, there are mainly three sections i.e title, heading, and body. The head incorporates the data to distinguish the document, including the title and some other significant keyword. Moreover, the titles are designated at the browser’s bar and the main part is the body portion which is visible to the users.

 To navigate the internet

Hyperlink or links in HTML is one of the most important aspects of web development which enhances the navigation throughout the website. It generally constitutes of any text upon clicking of which, the user is taken to another page linked to the text. The hyperlink is very important from the web development point of view as it enables the users to switch between multiple pages on different servers.

Enrich the website with the usage of native APIs

With the advent of HTML5, it has proposed many tools and abilities which were not possible in the past. The icing on the cake is the set of HTML APIs which includes Geolocation, visibility, Fullscreen, media capture, client storage, Multithreading, and many more have made HTML much easier and enhanced.

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