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Elementary concepts needed by IOS developer for an efficient programming


IOS application development has been a developing sector across IT markets. iPad and iPhone developers demands are going to give a great career opportunities for beginners. They need to prepare all mandatory ios interview questions that are frequently asked in a technical round. They can analyze it through multiple sources available across internet. In this blog, we are going to dig some elementary concepts that any IOS developer must know. This information will definitely gonna be beneficial during your interview session.

Are you in hurry for getting welcomed by tech companies?

Grab knowledge on elementary concepts for IOS development as highly skilled developers are always welcomed.

Let’s continue


Xcode is most adaptable Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for ios development community developed by apple with zero cost. Xcode acts as a foundation of any ios application development, helps in content management of any particular project. This is an efficient solution for an IOS beginner to execute code from scratch. You can get multiple tools on Xcode including editors and compilers through which one can complete entire ios application phases and tasks.

 In otherwords, we can say that Xcode contains entire requirements that are required to build an amazing iphone application along with its interface.

Table views

table view is controlled by a UITableViewController to manage entire table-view related concepts. This is an important concept that every recruiter expects during an interview i.e. methods of working with table view, as there are many methods including how UITableViewController has been dragged either from object library or after dragging it is placed inside ViewController.

 A skilled IOS developer should have in-depth knowledge of generating ideal table views.

 View controllers

Recruiters may check your knowledge by asking you questions like how you define the internal structure of an IOS app and about the types of view controllers i.e. content view controller and container view controllers.

Apart from the above elements, there are many other concepts used to optimize application like storyboards (visual specification of UI) to visualize content screen and its workflow, auto-layout and key value coding for communication i.e. accessing properties of objects, Spatial Reasoning, swift, etc are must for an efficient IOS programming. Thus to impress recruiter, students need to be updated on latest JavaScript interview questions, latest frameworks, software’s, basic programming and java basics, and creative ideas in order to get recruited by top MNC.

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